I believe God is the Trinity. A supreme essence, real, and existent; God is mysterious, invisible; evidenced in creation. God is humanity, nature; firm foundation in weak soil; God is breath; joy in spirit. God is divine; Sovereign; Omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. I believe God is authority, never forced, persistent. God calls humanity to service; grantor of freedom to obey. God is a life partner. God is grace, mercy, and love.
I believe Jesus Christ is God’s son, God in human flesh, conceived in a virgin’s womb by and of the Holy Spirit. Jesus walked the earth, became a carpenter, made disciples. He was crucified, died, rose from the grave, saved humanity from sin. Jesus, servant, slave, and advocate for the oppressed.
I believe the Holy Spirit is God’s pure divine energy. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, is Jesus’ God spirit dwelling within to give us power.
I believe the Bible is the documented record of creation, the descriptive introduction of God, the depiction of God’s mind and heart, the written purpose for earth and human. The bible is a practical instructional life manual, a God-breathed word written by humans, for humans.
I believe in Christian water baptism, the submerging of the body, the outward display of cleansing; the inward transformation taking place when a believer is saved and born again. I believe water baptism is a sacred symbol of human’s resurrection from death in sin to new life in Christ Jesus.
I believe the Christian church was formed ecclesiastically to model Christ’s life and love, to bind humanity in unity for the common good of others, to be the true organized body of Christ with Christ-like character. I believe the church was formed missiologically to intervene and fight against social injustice. I believe the church’s mission is to provide a safe teaching environment; a spiritually nurturing training ground for discipleship.