As with the nature of Dirt, Water is my favorite SONG.
My faith practices all include submerging (as in water), flowing in creativity, and communing with my Creator through nature. This easily happens when my body is present with God's bodies of water. I love, love, love walking and lounging on clear water beaches. The feel of sand underneath my feat is peaceful meditation. Its' soothing rhythm and relaxing melody can hold me for hours.
Water is life. I am sustained spiritually by how the WORD pours deep into my soul the same way ocean waves clash the dry earth. When studying and preparing sermons on the beach, I feel empowered as I absorb and embrace the flow of my interpretations and revelations of God's wonders in me.
When I can't get to the beach I spend a lot of time at the pool. I meditate and relax by simply watching and listening to water. Sitting poolside with my feet dipped in the water. All of these serve as a therapeutic and spiritual practices for me.
I am revived by my complete awe of God’s nature, cool breezes, living trees, and human healing. I wish I slept better but despite limited slumber, I’m grateful. For my body is a testament of battle scares collected in victories over breast cancer. I AM A CONQUEROR! FOR GOD I LIVE!